It’s Me!

My ad instructor says make a presentation about your personal brand. Sure, good enough. I can talk about myself for five minutes. Heck yes I can. My ad instructor says include brand personality, what makes your brand different, your brand values, brand promise, brand image, and brand story. Okay, now I’ve got to get thinking. My ad instructor says, check out Prezi to make your presentation even better.


Yeah I had heard of it before, but until last week I had never been challenged to use it. Wow, was that an adventure. My Thursday night consisted solely of learning the ins and outs of this “Powerpoint on steroids”. I am definitely still in the learning stages, and I’m sure will some day look back on this presentation and laugh, but heck, I took a chance and made me a prezi!

So here it is! This is me! My brand!

Anya McNabb- My Brand

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